one of the most fantastical nights of my life. a warehouse filled with the most brilliant artwork lining the walls, shelves crammed of records in between the pop art canvases and sketches & a dispersion of rockers, photographers and music enthuisasts alike.
We watched Ruddy open the night and set the mood with his blissful tunes and THEN the man we had all anticipated seeing took to the stage... ED KEUPPER let his musical magic echo through the warehouse for what felt like a lifetime- it was ultimate brilliance. To top off a night that seemed so topped off I didnt think we could be any more spoilt... Australian darlings Yves Klien Blue appeared from amongst the crowd and took to the stage to perform a set of tunes that left us all twisting and twirling like a piece of raspberry licorice around any empty space we could find.
The night was complete when all artists united on the stage for one final song that hasnt been performed in 30 years... Im sorry I cant remember what song it was, I had been swept off my feet a long time prior and was in a state of bliss that had left me believing things couldnt get any better.
p.s i do recall parts of a conversation with Ed after (which mainly involved tickle and i idolising him as some form of god) and he was very humble, grateful and a truly lovely person ( just in addition to being a total punk god).
Before parting for bed as the sun was beginning to wake up Ruddy treated us with his version of Treaty and sealed a night of such wonder I have run out of adjectives to describe how fucking awesome it was.
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